Residence Life Room Reservations

Terms & Conditions


The housing services described are offered under the terms and conditions stated herein. This document and those referred to within it constitute the BHSU agreement for residence halls and Yellow Jacket Apartments. 

1. Eligibility: To be eligible for occupancy in University housing, the student must be enrolled at BHSU (and satisfactorily attending all classes) and carry an undergraduate credit load of six (6) semester hours or more. The graduate semester credit load minimum is five (5) hours. Any exceptions must be approved by the Director of Residence Life.  

2. Live-On Requirement: South Dakota Board of Regent Policy requires unmarried students to live-on campus during their first two years of school. Specifically, the policy reads as follows: “Students who are enrolled at a university for a minimum of six (6) on-campus credits are required to live in on-campus housing during the first two (2) years following their high school graduation. Institutions may grant waiver exceptions to the housing requirement based on the waiver exceptions. Permission ordinarily shall be granted to students with dependent children or to students who reside full time during the academic year with parents or legal guardians (also, BHSU ordinarily grants permission to students with documented health problems/disabilities or those with documented financial hardships)”. BHSU permits a maximum 35-mile commuting distance (measured in driving distance). Appeals for all exemption statuses will be reviewed annually. During the fall term, appeals for all exemption statuses will be accepted from new students only. Emergency medical and financial appeals will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis for the entirety of the academic and non-academic year. Verification of the residency must be provided in advance, in writing, by the parent(s) or legal guardian to the BHSU Residence Life office. For more information on the Housing Appeal process and specific dates, please visit

3. Meal Plan Requirement/Dining Service: Residence Hall students must minimally carry the “Yellow Jacket” meal plan. Apartment students must minimally carry the “Suite Deal” meal plan. Dining services are not provided during Thanksgiving, Winter Break, or Spring Break periods. The last meal served is lunch on the last official day of final examinations. Dining Services agreements are not transferable. Disciplinary action may be taken, and charges levied against individuals allowing other persons to use one or any of their meal counts/benefits. Meal plan changes may be made through the end of the first week of each semester, at which time, choice of meal plan is final. Students must have their Buzz card in their possession to use a meal from their meal plan or to use their food dollars; no other form of identification is accepted. 

4. Agreement Terms & Authority: Agreeing students and parents/legal guardians are reminded that signing this document establishes an agreement relationship with Black Hills State University. It is considered binding once the university has received and approved your agreement. The Agreement for Room Accommodations, from the beginning date of the agreement period, binds the resident student for the full academic year, excluding summer sessions. If the agreement is entered into at the start of fall semester, the agreement will be binding until the final day of Spring Semester. If the dates of the academic year are revised by the University, those revised dates will apply and will not alter the financial obligation under this agreement. Students are obligated to know and follow the policies and procedures described in the BHSU Student Handbook, and the BHSU Student Code of Conduct and Residential Standards of Living as they are integral parts of the agreement relationship between the student and the university.

5. Room Deposit: To obtain on-campus residence, each student is required to submit $100 to the Department of Residence Life. This money is considered a security deposit and is fully refundable, based on the condition of room and furnishings upon vacating the Residence Halls. If terms and conditions of the Housing Agreement are broken, deposit monies are forfeit.

6. Room Deposit Refund Policy:  For Those Who Never Attended BHSU, or Who Never Checked-In to On-Campus Housing, or BHSU Students Who Submitted a Contract and Need to Cancel Room Agreement/Assignment: Security monies are refundable if notice of agreement cancellation is submitted to the Department of Residence Life no later than July 1 for agreements beginning Fall Semester and December 1 for agreements beginning Spring Semester. Submission of agreement cancellation can be done over the phone, via e-mail, or mail. Security monies shall be forfeited by any student who does not adhere to the dates stated above. 

For BHSU Students leaving before completion of agreement term and Live-On Residency Requirement: 
Students who have graduated, have left to student teach, have married, or have completed their pre-professional programs are eligible for a deposit refund. Such students must notify the Residence Life Office in writing and request that their deposit be refunded. Students leaving the residence facilities for any other reason during the contract term or live-on residency requirement are NOT eligible for a deposit refund. Failure to fulfill the terms and conditions of the agreement, return keys, or pay University fines will cause partial or full forfeiture of the deposit. 

For BHSU Students Leaving after completion of agreement:  Students who have fulfilled their live-on residence requirement and have not secured an on-campus residence for the upcoming Fall semester, will automatically receive a refund of their security monies. Such students do not need to request this refund. Failure to fulfill the terms and conditions of the agreement, return keys, or pay University fines will cause partial or full forfeiture of the deposit. 

7. Assignment Policy: Upon receipt and approval of this application and deposit, Residence Life will make a “room assignment” for the applicant.  A “room assignment” is defined as a space within a double room or single room, depending on the applicant’s preferences referenced in their application and availability.  A “space” does not equate to or equal a room.  Spaces for residents may be re-assigned at the discretion of Residence Life at any time.  Please refer to sections 4-6 for more information regarding changes to assigned spaces.  Current students will be given priority versus new students to housing.

Applicants are assigned to room assignments according to their priority date, preferences noted on their housing agreement, and availability of space.  Current Students applying for summer housing do not need to submit a deposit.  Incoming students new to housing, who have not paid a deposit, will be required to do so before being placed. Please refer to section 10 regarding deposits. The official date that this agreement (and deposit where applicable)  is received by the university becomes your priority date, whichever is received last. All room assignments are based upon your priority date. Deposit money must be sent in U.S. dollars and drawn from U.S. banks. The Housing Agreement should be submitted immediately. Your preferences are considered and made only as space is available.

8. Temporary Assignments: The University may place residents in temporary housing assignments. As permanent accommodations become available, temporarily assigned residents are required to move to permanent accommodations only as offered by the University.  

9. Tobacco Use:  Tobacco use is not permitted in any residence hall room, campus suite, nor any public areas in University owned housing.  It not permitted in or outside any University owned space, including Residence Halls and Apartments.   Tobacco use is permitted in the parking lots and inside personal vehicles parking in university owned parking lots. 

10. Check-in and Check-out: A resident is considered checked-in when they obtain the room/suite key. When moving into their assignment, the resident shall complete, sign, and turn in a Residence Life Room/Suite Inventory Form with staff. When vacating the assignment, the resident must check-out with their Hall Director or designee. The Residence Life Room/Suite Inventory Form and an inspection by designated  Residence Life staff serves as the basis for check-out charges, if assessed. Each resident agrees to follow the proper check-out procedures when vacating the premises or relocating within the system. This includes, but is not limited to, removing personally owned furniture and equipment, removing all waste and debris, and leaving the space in the same condition as when accepted, reasonable wear and tear accepted. The resident is responsible for cleaning. Maintenance or repair required to return premises to the same condition as when accepted is accomplished by University appointed personnel and is billed accordingly.

11. Late Check-in: Assigned bed space is held until 8:00am of the first day (of University scheduled classes) of each semester/session. If the resident fails to check-in at the assigned residence building, they may be assigned to an alternate bed space or dropped from housing until their University withdrawal or non-registered status is confirmed.  

12. Room/Suite Changes: A resident may change assignments only with written authorization from their Hall Director/Complex Director. Unauthorized assignment changes or failure to move out of a space when required may result in additional charges and disciplinary actions as determined by the University. If a resident used space in an unauthorized manner, and Residence Life Staff become aware, the resident will be retroactively charged, without notice, for the use of that space from the last date it was known by Residence Life staff to be available.

BHSU Residence Life employs a two (2) week “move hold” at the beginning of each semester.  There are no space changes during this time unless approved by the Complex/Assistant Complex Director or Director of Residence Life. Space changes should occur during week three (3) and week four (4) of each semester. Space changes initiated after week 4 (weeks 5 through 16) of each semester will carry a $100 charge.  

13. Resident Responsibilities: The resident agrees to observe all rules and regulations of BHSU plus local laws and State of South Dakota laws incorporated by reference into this document. The resident agrees to honor all terms and conditions stated in this agreement, the Board of Regents Student Code of Conduct, and Residential Standards of Living. 

14. Immunizations and the Meningitis Vaccine: Measles, mumps, and rubella are contagious diseases with measles being extremely contagious. High saturation living, such as in a university residence hall, increases the potential of measles becoming an epidemic. South Dakota law requires all college or university students to present to the Student Health Center a certificate of immunization from a licensed physician showing two immunizations against measles, mumps, and rubella or record of an immune antibody titer against measles or an approved exemption. Individuals, who for medical or religious reasons are unable to be immunized as required, may file an exemption. In the event of an outbreak, students with exemptions can expect to be quarantined off campus at their own expense--no refund for room & board. The University is not responsible for any liability the student may suffer because of noncompliance. Additionally, the rate of meningitis appears to be on the rise for college students. As such, the University concurs with the American College Health Association’s recommendation that all college students should receive the meningococcal vaccine. The meningitis immunization is not required yet strongly recommended.  

15. Rates: Room rates for 2024-2025 are determined in April of 2024. As of October 2023, the 2024-2025 rates are not yet available. It is anticipated that the 2024-2025 rates may increase by 3-5 percent over the 2023-2024 rates. The 2023-24 rates are below:
  • Traditional Residence Hall Rates for Thomas Hall, Heidepriem Hall, and Humbert Hall are:
    • $1,963.00/semester for a double-occupancy room;
    • $2,564.00/semester for a single-occupancy room; and
    • $2,870.00/semester for a double-as-single-occupancy room.
  • Traditional Residence Hall Rates for Wenona Cook Hall are:
    • $1,855.00/semester for a double-occupancy room;
    • $1,972.00/semester for a small single-occupancy room;
    • $2,464.00/semester for a large single room; and
    • $2,760.00/semester for a double-as-single-occupancy room.
  • Suite Style rates for Bordeaux Hall are:
    • $2,805.00/semester for a double-occupancy room;
    • $3,972.00/semester for a single room;
    • $4,009.00/semester for a double-as-a-single-occupancy room.
  • Yellow Jacket Apartment rates are:
    • $2,534.00/semester for a double-occupancy room;
    • $3,329.00/semester for a single-occupancy room; and
    • $3,733.00/semester for a double-as-single-occupancy room.

16. Double-as-Single Room: Contingent upon availability, residents may request to live in a double-occupancy assignment as a single-occupied assignment. Also, the University reserves the right to assign students to single-occupied assignments for unique necessary reasons. Rates for a Double-as-Single assignments are computed from the date that the person occupied the space as a single, except where no roommates are available elsewhere in the housing system.

17. Consolidating Vacancies/ Occupancy Management: The University reserves the right to change housing assignments, to assign roommates/suitemates, and to consolidate vacancies and/ or manage occupancy numbers.  The University may require a resident to move from a single-occupied, double-occupancy assignment to a double-occupied double-occupancy assignment. Residents who find themselves without a roommate/suitemate have three choices:
•Elect to agreement for the same accommodations for the remainder of that semester and pay the “Double-as-Single” room rate.
•Consolidate with another resident of their own choosing; or 
•Consolidate with a roommate/suitemate chosen by the Residence Life staff. 

If, after the consolidation process, a resident is in a double space and does not have a roommate, they may opt to continue living in that space as a double.  However, the unoccupied space in their room must remain “move-in ready.”  This option is only available at the discretion of the Complex/Assistant Complex Director, after they have completed their consolidation process.

“Move-in ready” refers to the state of an unoccupied space being free of all items and personal effects of another resident in that space, such that Residence Life Staff should reasonably not need to touch those items.  Final discretion and clarification of whether a space is move-in ready will be determined by the Complex/Assistant Complex Director.  Failure to maintain the unused space as move-in ready by any other occupants may result in additional Charges.  Please refer to section 5 regarding unauthorized uses of space.  At the discretion of the University, residents living alone may be charged at the “Double-as-Single” rate.  

Residence Life reserves the right to re-assign single-occupancy spaces as double-occupancy spaces when and where necessary to manage available space and increase overall occupancy.

18. Vacating the Residence Halls/Suites: Residential students must vacate the premises within 24 hours of their last final exam (fall and spring semester) or upon discontinuance as a student, whichever occurs earlier. To establish continuance, fall residential students returning for spring semester as a residential student must be registered for at least 6 spring semester credit hours before noon of the last day of final exams.

19. Residence Hall Closures: The BHSU Residence Halls close for Thanksgiving Break, Winter Break, and Spring Break. Students residing in Bordeaux Hall, Heidepriem Hall, Humbert Hall, and Thomas Hall must vacate their assigned space during these break periods. Students wishing to reside in their assigned space during this time must pay a nightly fee associated with their stay. Please contact the BHSU Residence Life Office to set up these accommodations. 

Students in the Yellow Jacket Apartments and Wenona Cook Hall will retain access to and may occupy their assigned spaces during break times.

20. Food Preparation in Residence Hall Rooms: For health and safety reasons, residents may not cook in their rooms with appliances that possess an open heating element (such as hotplates, toasters, and toaster ovens). Additionally, electric grills are not allowed. Electric coffee pots, corn poppers and microwave ovens are allowed (for heating of simple convenience foods) but must be Underwriters’ Laboratories (UL) approved and a maximum of 1000 watts. The University reserves the right to remove cooking appliances. Residents may furnish their own room refrigerator provided it is limited to 4.4 cubic feet in size (kitchens are provided & cooking is allowed in the Campus Suites).

21. Pets in the Residence Halls: No pets (animals or reptiles) are allowed in the halls, except fish. Aquariums must not exceed 10 gallons. BHSU Residence Life will make accommodations per the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for Service and Assistance Animals. Residents are required to have Service Animals pre-registered, and Assistance Animals approved prior bringing them to campus.  Please contact the Office of Disability Services and inform BHSU Residence Life of the pending request.  Follow the below link for contact information and Animal Policy.  Students must comply with all regulations/requirements set forth by the BHSU Office of Disability Services BEFORE they are allowed to bring a Service or Assistance animal into any BHSU owned residence halls.

22. Disciplinary Action: Disciplinary action may be taken against University students and other individuals on University property for violation of state and local laws, University rules and regulations and policies. This may include, but is not limited to, such action as monetary compensation, rescinding privilege to use all or part of Residence Life or other University services, or any sanctions necessary to maintain order and protect the rights of students, faculty, and staff. A resident is immediately suspended from occupancy if the University determines continued occupancy poses substantial risk or harm to the safety of the resident or others, or unduly interrupts legitimate operational process of the University. In the event a student is removed from the residence halls as a disciplinary action, the security money is forfeited.

23. No-Nonsense Stance Against the use Illegal of Drugs: The illegal use/manufacture/sale of drugs or being party thereto is unacceptable. This includes the abuse of prescription drugs. Disciplinary action is taken against any student involved in such drug use. Illegal possession, consumption, provision, or sale of narcotics or drugs, or possession of paraphernalia, will result in disciplinary action and referral to law enforcement officials. It is a violation of University policy to knowingly be in the presence of others who possess illegal drugs or paraphernalia, or to be in the presence of a person using illegal drugs.

24. Liability: Black Hills State University, its officers, employees and agents, and the Department of Residence Life are not liable for any property of the resident that may be lost, stolen or damaged in any way, anywhere on the premises of the University. The resident agrees to save, hold harmless, and indemnify the University and its officers, employees and agents from any claims or damages substantiated by the resident or other parties as the result of the acts or omissions of the resident relating to any changes or modifications made by resident to the room or furnishings, including but not limited to, the construction of the beds, bookshelves, partitions, or other structures. The resident is financially responsible to the University in the event a 3rd party, who is injured by the resident’s acts or omissions, claims the University is liable for damages. The Department of Residence Life strongly encourages students to either (1) plan with their parent’s or guardian’s homeowner’s insurance company to insure coverage for personal belongings, or (2) purchase separate personal property insurance or renter’s insurance.

25. Property Insurance Information: Occasionally, incidents such as flood, fire, theft, and other events may cause damage to residents’ personal property stored in campus residence hall rooms and/or the campus suites/apartments. BHSU does not carry insurance on residents’ belongings and can only pay for damages as permitted by State law. Therefore, the Department of Residence Life strongly encourages students to either (1) plan with their parent’s or guardian’s homeowner’s insurance company to insure coverage for personal belongings, or (2) purchase separate personal property insurance or renters’ insurance. In some instances, a parent’s or guardian’s homeowner’s insurance will cover damage to personal property of a dependent child in a state-owned facility (such as residence hall or university owned apartment), but this is not a universal truth. Consult with your parents or guardians and their insurance agent to decide whether personal belongings on campus are already covered, and if there might be any limitations to the coverage. If not covered, or if coverage cannot be added, then consider purchasing separate personal property insurance or renters’ insurance.

26. BHSU Residence Life: A web page to help you become better acquainted with the residence halls, staff, our operating philosophy and the rules and regulations that govern all residential students, please visit our webpage. You will find information designed to help your transition successfully to on-campus living.

27. BHSU Internet Service: Network and Computing Services provides Internet connections for the residential students. To connect, users must meet minimum system requirements. Requirements are enforced that check for anti-virus, patches, and other security related updates. No additional fees are required. 

28. Personal Property Disposal: The University has the right to immediately dispose of any personal property left on the premises after the end of the agreement term or other termination of this agreement. 

29. Agreement Assignments and Authority: A resident may not sub-agree any part of the premises or allow any unauthorized party to occupy the premises. If the resident is under age 18, the parents/legal guardian shall become a party to this agreement and shall sign as evidence of accepting agreement responsibilities.

If International...

Please download and complete this pdf: Residence Life Application

You will need to have a parent / guardian sign the application. Then mail the application to:

BHSU Residence Life
1200 University St. Unit 9100
Spearfish, SD 57799-9100.

You may also enclose your $100 deposit with the application. Or you may pay the deposit fee online. For any questions please call the office of Residence Life at 605-642-6464.
(You need not disclose juvenile convictions, pleas or suspended sentences, and you need not disclose a suspended imposition of sentence that has been discharged.)
Emergency Contact
Who would you want contacted in the unlikely event that the University becomes concerned that you may be a missing person?

Academic Information

Building Preference
ALL buildings are coed

Please rate all buildings on a scale of 1 to 6 (1 is first preference)

What Type of Roommate Would You Prefer?

On a scale of 1 to 4 (with 1 being the most important) rank the importance of each roommate quality.

If a specific roommate is desired, list the First AND Last name of your preferred roommate. Preferences will be honored on a space available basis in accordance to the procedures outlined in the Residence Hall Room Assigning Process. If no specific roommate request, list N/A.

Priority of Preferences
Sometimes it is not possible for us to honor all of your housing requests. Therefore, please prioritize your preferences regarding your housing assignments by selecting which is more important.

Physical/Medical Conditions
List any physical/medical conditions that should be considered in making a hall/room assignment or that might be necessary for us to know so we may better serve you. To be considered for physical or medical accommodations, prior notification is necessary to meet your individual needs. Medical verification or documentation may be required.

Meal Plans
All residential students are required to carry a meal plan. The Yellow Jacket meal plan is automatically assigned to each residence hall student. The Suite Deal meal plan is automatically assigned to each campus apartment student. Please visit Dining Services for more information regarding meal plan options.

Follow-Up Questions
SD BOR Housing Policy (3:6.B.) requires that you respond to the following questions as part of this housing agreement:

(You need not disclose juvenile convictions, pleas or suspended sentences, and you need not disclose a suspended imposition of sentence that has been discharged.)