Housing Appeal Form

Please fill out the following commuter exemption form and upload it below: COMMUTER-EXEMPTION-FORM.pdf

Please print the following medical exemption form and fill it out  MEDICAL-EXEMPTION-FORM.pdf

I acknowledge by my signature that I have read the preceding Housing Contract Exemption and Appeal Process. I further acknowledge that the information I have provided is accurate for the semester/academic year for which I am requesting this release. I understand that this release is not approved until I receive a written release from the Residence Life Office.

I acknowledge that semester room charges will be applied if I have not been approved for a release from the South Dakota Board of Regents Residency Requirement. I further acknowledge that charges will also be applied if I make a false claim to be living at home with parent or legal guardian and it is later determined that I am not living at the stated location. I am also aware that it is a violation of the Student Conduct Code to present false or misleading information.