Academic Amnesty

The goal of academic amnesty is to respond to the academic needs of individuals as they develop newly identified potential. Through the application of academic amnesty, the student’s prior academic record can be excluded from current work under certain conditions.

To be eligible, you must meet all five of the following criteria; please check the items that apply to you:

Conditions – Academic amnesty does not apply to individual courses. It may be requested in one of three ways as outlined below. Only coursework taken prior to the most recent admission to the home institution will be considered. If granted, academic amnesty shall not be rescinded. Courses for which amnesty is granted will remain on your transcript record with the original grade followed by an asterisk (*). These courses will not be included in your grade point average calculation nor will they be used to satisfy any graduation requirements. Academic amnesty decisions will be made by your home institution and will be honored by all other South Dakota Regental schools. Universities outside the Regental system are not bound by these decisions. Regental graduate programs may consider all previous undergraduate coursework when making admission decisions.

Semester(s) requested: